Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe: easy to make

Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe is made by mixing a quart of milk, 1-1/2 cups of Nesquik Chocolate Powder and 12 ounces of water in a saucepan. To make the recipe more appealing to children, add chocolate chips or marshmallows before cooking it on the stove over medium heat.

When it is almost boiled (like a thick soup), please remove it from the heat and add two tablespoons of cream. Let it cool for a few minutes, then top it with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or sprinkles. The result is rich, creamy hot chocolate that will draw in even the pickiest eaters.

Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe
Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe

What is Nesquik Hot Chocolate?

Many people make a cup of hot chocolate with dry powder, water, and milk. This drink is a great way to warm up in the cold. But a better version of the hot chocolate recipe uses Nesquik Chocolate Powder instead of the dry mix. This is an easy and fun way for kids to make their favorite drink home. This Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe is also a budget-friendly way to serve hot chocolate to a group of people, especially when adding optional marshmallows or chocolate chips.

How to Make Nesquik Hot Chocolate

You will need a few essential ingredients to make this recipe. You can get these ingredients at any store that sells Nesquik Chocolate Powder.


  • 1-quart milk
  • 1-1/2 cups Nesquik Chocolate Powder
  • 12 ounces water
  • Optional: marshmallows and chocolate chips


Mix milk, chocolate powder, and 12 ounces of water in a saucepan. Could you bring it to a boil over medium heat? Add marshmallows or chocolate chips and cook for 1 minute. Pour thick hot chocolate into mugs or cups and stir in whipped cream. Serve hot with a spoon so you can add toppings as well.

Nutrition Fact of Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe

Calories 310
Percent Daily Value 15%
Saturated Fat 14 grams
Cholesterol 22 milligrams
Sodium 120 milligrams
Carbohydrates 53 grams
Fiber0 grams
Protein 7 grams
Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe

Services Ides For Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe

1. The recipe has 12 ounces of water and 1-1/2 cups of Nesquik Chocolate Powder. It makes a nice thick hot chocolate drink. If you prefer a thinner glass, try adding an extra ounce of water to the recipe or just thin it out with more milk.

2. You can get a delicious hot chocolate by stirring in crushed marshmallows or chocolate chips after cooking. This will make it taste like a decadent dessert with sugar and calories!

3. You can make your chocolate syrup for the drink, but you will need to scoop it out of the can and put it in a measuring cup.

4. Nesquik Hot Chocolate is a nice treat during the winter when you wear heavy clothes and boots. It is easy to make, and children enjoy the hot chocolate because it makes them feel warm. This drink also tastes good if you have leftovers after making a large batch.

5. You can make Nesquik Hot Chocolate for your pet by mixing 1/2 cup of Nesquik with 1 cup of water. It is a great drink to enjoy while snuggling up on the couch with your pet.

6. The hot chocolate drink tastes better if you serve it in mugs or cups that are already made. It is hard to make good hot chocolate out of big cups that aren’t already in your kitchen.

Can Nesquik be used for hot chocolate?

Yes, Nesquik Hot Chocolate is a nice hot chocolate drink for everyone. It can be used for both children and adults. It is also a treat that lasts longer than other hot chocolate drinks since it doesn’t contain milk. You can get different options for toppings, like marshmallows and chocolate chips, to match your mood!

Nesquik Hot Chocolate Recipe Ideas

1. Buy some marshmallows or chocolate chips from the store, and make the recipe with just 1 quart of milk. Nesquik is suitable for kids because it has no saturated fat or cholesterol. If you want to make marshmallow sticks for the recipe, see Cocktail Marshmallow Sticks Recipe.

2. Instead of milk and Nesquik powder, this recipe uses water and can be made with 1 quart of milk. You can save on the budget by using water instead of milk and making a thick drink that is still creamy and delicious!

3. You can buy chocolate syrup in a jar for this recipe. You don’t have to use the chocolate powder that comes with the Nesquik powder, though. You can make chocolate syrup at home by adding melted chocolate chips to hot water.

4. If you make a few changes and top it off with ice cream instead of whipped cream, this drink can be a great dessert drink!

5. Mix 1 cup of hot chocolate with 1 cup of hot coffee. This is a strong drink that tastes great but can also be used to warm up in cold weather.

6. Have some fun adding different toppings to your drink or changing them up daily for a new taste! You can use fun straws that match the party’s theme or season, and they will look great when you add them to your party table.

Can Nesquik be used as a cocoa powder?

Nesquik Chocolate Powder is a good cocoa powder to use in recipes or with hot chocolate. If you want to use cocoa powder, you will want to get the product that is just cocoa powder instead of the Nesquik version.

Is Nesquik made out of chocolate?

Nesquik Chocolate Powder is made out of chocolate, but it has no actual chocolate in it. It has a strong flavor, especially when melted and stirred into coffee or hot cocoa, but it doesn’t have any chocolate.

Can Nesquik be used as a coffee creamer?

Nesquik Chocolate Powder and Nesquik Chocolate Syrup are great alternative coffee creamers compared to powdered coffee creamers and other non-dairy coffee creamer options. The powder can be added to the drink without needing to melt it, and the syrup can be used for a delicious frothy drink experience.

Is Nesquik suitable for kids?

Yes, Nesquik is suitable for children. It is low in fat and cholesterol and can help children have a healthy snack if they have a craving for chocolate. It is also an excellent way to get extra vitamins into the body.

Is Nesquik unhealthy?

It depends on whether you use it with water or milk. If you use it with water, there isn’t a ton of chocolate flavor since the powder will mostly dissolve away into the water instead of making its flavor. However, if you use it with milk, the chocolate powder will make its flavor and taste strong. Therefore, it is considered unhealthy on a calorie basis since most of the calories come from fat.

Bottom Line

Nesquik is a good cocoa powder in your kitchen, especially if you are looking for a low-calorie chocolate option that tastes good. It doesn’t have any chocolate, but the taste is so strong that most people won’t notice with average amounts. It also seems like a good idea to use it for hot chocolate since the drink will be thick and creamy. The hot chocolate can be used for children and adults, making it an excellent treat for parties and everyday snacking.

I hope this article will help you make the best hot chocolate with Nesquik powder, and if you like this article, share it with all your friends so they can also use this recipe. So wait no more and get ready for hot chocolate!

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